
Alphabetical list of private papers

Surname, first name
Years of life
Subject (specific research area)
Amount (linear metre)
Abel, Martin ? -? Linguist 0.75
Adickes, Erich 1866-1928 Philosopher 0.1
Albring, Werner 1914-2007 Engineer 2.8
Alexis, Willibald (actually: Häring, Georg Wilhelm Heinrich) 1798-1871 Writer, lawyer, editor 0.1
Arndt, Ernst Moritz 1769-1860 Writer, poet, puplicist, historian 0.8
Arnold, Walter 1909-1971 Engineer 1.0
Auwers, Arthur von 1838-1915 Astronomer, mathematician 0.2
Baeyer, Johann Jacob 1794-1885 Geodesist, lieutenant-general in the Royal Prussian Army 0.03
Bartel, Horst 1928-1984 Historian 0.1
Baumann, Rudolf 1911-1988 Physician 0.7
Baumgarten, Arthur 1884-1966 Lawyer, philosopher of law 0.6
Behrend, Friedrich (Fritz) 1878-1939 Germanist, librarian, archivist 3.0
Behrens, Friedrich (Fritz) 1909-1980 Economist, political scientist 2.4
Berger, Rudolf 1885-? Geodesist 0.01
Bernhardt, Karl-Heinz
premature legacy
born 1935 Meteorologist 1.0
Bertsch, Heinrich 1897-1981 Chemist 0.3
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm 1784-1846 Astronomer, mathematician, geodesist 3,3
Beyer, Kurt 1881-1952 Civil engineer 0.4
Bielfeldt, Hans Holm 1907-1987 Philologist, Slavist, Germanist 3.0
Biermann, Kurt-Reinhard 1919-2002 Mathematician, historian of science 3.0
Bierwisch, Manfred
premature legacy
born 1930 Literary scholar 1.0
Binder, Ludwig 1881-1958 Engineer, electrical engineer 0.1
Bleiber, Helmut 1928-2007 Historian 17.0
Bode, Johann Elert 1747-1826 Astronomer 1.2
Boeckh, August 1785-1867 Classical philologist, scholar of antiquity 1.2
Boeckh, Joachim Georg 1899-1968 Literary scholar, Germanist 7.2
Böhme, Wolfgang 1926-2012 Meteorologist 28.0
Boll, Franz 1867-1924 Classical philologist, librarian 0.8
Bonpland, Aimé 1773-1858 Explorer, naturalist, physician 0.09
Bottlinger, Kurt Felix 1888-1934 Astrophysicist 0.1
Brachvogel, Albert Emil 1824-1878 Writer, novelist, dramatist 0.1
Braunreuther, Kurt 1913-1975 Sociologist, economist 4.0
Brugsch(-Pascha), Heinrich 1827-1894 Egyptologist, orientalist, diplomat 0.1
Brugsch, Theodor 1878-1963 Internist 1.9
Bubnoff, Serge von 1888-1957 Geologist, engineer in geotectonics, palaeontologist 3.5
Budach, Lothar 1935-2007 Mathematician, computer scientist 3.0
Büchsenschütz, Bernhard 1828-1922 Classical philologist, ancient historian, grammar school teacher 0.1
Bürger, Max 1885-1966 Internist 2.2
Buhr, Manfred 1927-2008 Philosopher 4.65
Burdach, Konrad 1859-1936 Germanist, literary scholar 20.5
Burde-Schneidewind, Gisela 1920-1992 Literary scholar 0.07
Chézy, Helmina von (actually: Chézy, Wilhelmine Christiane de; née von Klencke) 1783-1856 Writer, librettist 2.7
Cornu, Auguste 1888-1981 Historian, philosopher 2.0
Crelle, August Leopold 1780-1855 Mathematician, architect, composer 3.0
Damerius, Helmut 1905-1985 Theatre general director 0.2
Deubel, Fritz 1898-1966 Geologist 0.3
Deubner, Ludwig 1877-1946 Religious scholar, classical philologist 0.45
Diels, Hermann 1848-1922 Classical philologist, historian of philosophy, religious scholar 0.9
Dietrich, Anton 1797-1868 Physician, philologist, historian of law, religious scholar, fairy tale collector 0.1
Diez, Friedrich Christian 1794-1876 Philologist, Romanist (Romance scholar), writer 0.2
Dillmann, August 1823-1894 Orientalist, protestant theologian, philologist 0.7
Dilthey, Wilhelm 1833-1911 Philosopher, literary historian, writer 18.0
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav (actually: Lejeune Dirichlet, Peter Gustav) 1805-1859 Mathematician 0.2
Dobberstein, Johannes 1895-1965 Veterinarian 0.1
Dolch, Walther 1883-1914 Germanist, literary historian, librarian 0.8
Duddeck, Heinz
1928-2017 Civil engineer 0.3
Dümmler, Ernst 1830-1902 Historian 1.1
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried 1795-1876 Physician, zoologist, paleontologist, biologist, botanist, explorer 2.8
Eisner, Freia 1907-1989 Politician 0.5
Encke, Johann Franz 1791-1865 Astronomer, mathematician 1.8
Erben, Johannes
premature legacy
Born 1925 Philologist, Germanist 1.8
Ertel, Hans 1904-1971 Geophysicist, meteorologist, physicist, hydrographer 0.4
Fabian, Eginhard 1935-2010 Science historian 2.8
Filchner, Wilhelm 1877-1957 Geodesist geophysicist, explorer 1.6
Foerster, Wilhelm 1832-1921 Astronomer, physicist,  mathematician 1.9
Forster, Johann Reinhold 1729-1798 Naturalist, explorer, theologian, ethnologist 0.1
Forster-Huber, Therese
(see Heyne, Christian Gottlob)
Franck, Hans Heinrich 1888-1961 Chemist, technologist 1.6
Francke, August Hermann 1663-1727 Protestant theologian, pedagogue, philologist, pastor, orientalist 0.02
Franke, Rudolf Otto 1862-1928 Indologist, philologist 1.2
Fresenius, August 1850-1924 Literary historian, classical philologist, Germanist, editor 1.6
Friedrich, Walter 1883-1968 Biophysicist, physicist 4.4
Frings, Theodor 1886-1968 Germanist, linguist, medievalist 23.8
Fuchs, Klaus 1911-1988  Physicist 2.2
Geerds, Robert 1859-1914 Literary historian, editor in a publishing house 0.2
Geiß, Heinz Willy 1919-1991 Linguist, mycenologist 0.5
Giersiepen, Elisabeth 1920-1962 Economic historian 1.7
Goedeke, Karl 1814-1887 Literary historian, bibliographer, writer 0.3
Goetze, Edmund 1843-1920 Germanist, teacher 0,2
Goldstein, Eugen 1850-1930 Physicist, astronomer 1.2
Gothan, Walter 1879-1954 Geologist, botanist 0.03
Graffi, Arnold 1910-2006 Oncologist 7.5
Grapow, Hermann 1885-1967 Egyptologist 0.33
Grau, Conrad 1932-2000 Historian 12.0
Grell, Heinrich 1903-1974 Mathematician 0.02
Gronau, Carl Ludwig 1742-1826 Evangelical reformed pastor, meteorologist 0.9
Groot, Jan Jakob Maria de 1854-1921 Sinologist 0.9
Grotrian, Walter 1890-1954 Astrophysicist 0.7
Grunze, Herbert 1923-1998 Chemist 0.3
Gruppe, Otto Friedrich 1804-1876 Philosopher, ancient philologist, publicist 3.8
Guthnick, Paul 1879-1947 Astronomer 0.12
Gutsche, Willibald 1926-1992 Historian 9.9
Hadank, Karl
see Mann, Oskar
Hahn, Eduard 1856-1928 Ethnologist, economic geographer, economic historian 1.7
Hahn, Heinrich 1829-1919 Historian, philologist, grammar school teacher 0.2
Harder, Franz 1855-1927 Classical philologist, grammar school teacher 0.7
Harms, Friedrich 1819-1880 Philosopher 0.03
Harnack, Arvid 1901-1942 Lawyer, economist 0.01
Hart, Heinrich 1855-1906 Writer, literary and theatre critic, editor, journalist, publicist 0.5
Hefermehl, Ernst 1881-1914 Classical philologist, librarian 0.1
Hein, Franz 1892-1976 Chemist 6.0
Helmholtz, Hermann von 1821-1894 Physicist, physiologist 5,0
Herrmann, Joachim 1932-2010 Archaeologist, prehistorian 12.0
Hertz, Gustav 1887-1975 Physicist 0.1
Hertz, Martin 1818-1895 Classical philologist 0.1
Herz, Henriette 1764-1847 Writer, translator, educator 0.04
Heymann, Ernst 1870-1946 Legal scholar 0.05
Heyne, Christian Gottlob 1729-1812 Scholar of antiquity, librarian 0.1
Heyse, Theodor 1803-1884 Classical scholar 0.6
Hillebrand, Karl 1829-1884 Essayist, publicist, cultural scientist, literary historian 0.6
Hintze, Fritz 1915-1993 Egyptologist, Sudan archaeologist 3.5
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Heinrich 1798-1874 Writer, Germanist, philologist, librarian, poet, composer, librettist 0.01
Hoffmeister, Wilhelm
thereby: Hoffmeister, Cuno
Hohl, Ernst 1886-1957 Historian 0.06
Hümpel, Heinrich (Henri) 1945-1995 Teacher 6.2
Humboldt, Alexander von
including: Funds of the A. v. Humboldt Foundation
1769-1859 Naturalist, explorer, geographer 1.1
Humboldt, Wilhelm von 1767-1835 Linguist, philosopher, statesman, diplomat 0.01
Irmscher, Johannes 1920-2000 Classical philologist, Byzantinist, translator, publisher 6.0
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob (eigentlich: Jacobi, Jaques Simon) 1804-1851 Mathematician 1.6
Jante, Alfred 1908-1985 Engineer 0.06
Jersch-Wenzel, Stefi 1937-2013 Historian 0.3
Jonas, Fritz 1845-1920 Writer, botanist, literary historian, school inspector 0.4
Jubitz, Karl-Bernhard 1925-2007 Geologist 15.0
Junge, Reinhard 1888-1975 Economic 2.9
Justi, Ludwig
thereby: Justi, Carl
Justi, Ferdinand
Art historian, museum director
Art historian
Kant, Immanuel 1724-1804 Philosopher 0.8
Katsch, Gerhardt 1887-1961 Internist 0.06
Kawerau, Georg 1856-1909 Archaelogist 0.05
Kehr, Paul Fridolin 1860-1944 Historian, diplomatic scholar, archivist 0.1
Keil, Gerhard 1926-1998 Chemist 1.3
Keller, Friedrich Ludwig (von) 1799-1860 Lawyer 0.5
Kettler, Louis-Heinz 1910-1976 Pathologist 15.0
Kielmeyer, Karl Friedrich 1765-1844 Chemist, zoologist, botanist, physician 0.02
Kienle, Hans 1895-1975 Astronomer, astrophysicist 0.9
Kirch (family estate)
Kirch, Christfried
Kirch, Christine
Kirch, Gottfried
Kirch, Maria Margaretha

Astronomers 1.3
Klare, Hermann 1909-2003 Chemist 2.5
Klaus, Georg 1912-1974 Philosopher 0.6
Klein, Fritz (junior) 1924-2011 Historian 6.0
Klein, Fritz (senior) 1895-1936 Journalist 1.8
Klenner, Hermann
premature legacy 
born 1926 Lawyer, philosopher of law 18.0
Kling, Wilhelm (Willi)
1902-1973 Journalist, politician 1.0
Knorre, Viktor 1840-1919 Astronomer 0.3
Koberstein, August 1797-1870 Literary historian, grammar school teacher 1.2
Köpke, Rudolf 1813-1870 Historian 0.2
Körte, Alfred 1866-1946 Classical philologist 0.1
Krauss, Werner 1900-1976 Romanist (Romance scholar) 12.0
Kretschmer, Paul 1866-1956 Classical philologist, linguist 0.03
Kröber, Günter 1933-2012 Philosopher of science, science historian 13.5
Krug, Wolfgang 1910-1990 Physicist 0.3
Kuczynski, Jürgen 1904-1997 Economic historian, economist, philosopher 1.7
Küttler, Wolfgang
premature legacy
born 1936 Historian 2.2
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 1810-1893 Mathematician 0.04
Ladenburg, Rudolf
thereby: Ladenburg, Albert
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 1728-1777 Mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher, private teacher 0.3
Lange, Fritz 1899-1987 Physicist 3.0
Lange, Fritz Gustav
(in Humboldt-Research Centre)
1905-1993 Archivist, librarian, researcher on A. v. Humboldt 6.0
Langenbeck, Wolfgang 1899-1967 Chemist 4.2
Lanius, Karl 1927-2010 Physicist 6.5
Laue, Max von 1879-1960 Physicist 0.1
Lauter, Ernst-August 1920-1984 Physicist, astrophysicist, geophysicist 6.5
Leibnitz, Eberhard 1910-1986 Chemist 0.3
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von 1646-1716 Philosopher, mathematician, lawyer, librarian, polymath 0.1
Lejeune Dirichlet, Peter Gustav 1805-1859 Mathematician 0,2
Lenz, Max Albert 1850-1932 Historian 2.2
Lepp, Adolf 1847-1906 Writer, poet 0.6
Lindau, Paul 1839-1919 Dramatist, writer, journalist, theatre director 0.1
Lohmann, Karl 1898-1978 Biochemist 1.8
Lohre, Heinrich 1876-1927 Literary historian, pedagogue, senior teacher 0.3
Lüdecke, Heinz 1906-1972 Art historian, author, editor 2.1
Lüders, Heinrich 1869-1943 Orientalist, Indologist, philologist 1.4
März, Roswitha
premature legacy
born 1940 Mathematician 2.2
Magnus, Gustav 1802-1870 Physicist, chemist, technologist 0.025
Magon, Leopold 1887-1968 Germanist, specialist in Scandinavian studies, theatre scholar 0.15
Mann, Oskar
and Hadank, Karl
Orientalist, librarian
Orientalist, Iranian studies scholar, teacher
Markschies, Christoph
premature legacy
born 1962 Protestant theologian, religious historian 9,5
Marold, Werner 1894-1945 Germanist 0.4
Maßmann, Hans (Johann) Ferdinand 1797-1874 Germanist, literary historian, sports pedagogue, publicist 0.2
Meisner, Heinrich 1849-1929 Literary historian, librarian, editor 1.8
Meisner, Heinrich Otto 1890-1976 Archivist, historian 15.75
Meissel, Ernst 1826-1895 Mathematician 0.6
Meister, Richard 1848-1912 Epigraphist, linguist, grammar school teacher 0.1
Mendel, Leo 1894-1966 Physician, paediatrician, medical historian 0.3
Menzel, Wolfgang 1798-1873 Literary historian, literary critic, historian, writer, editor 1.1
Messerschmidt, Franz 1902-1945 Archaeologist 0.2
Meusel, Alfred 1896-1960 Historian 6.8
Meyer, Eduard 1855-1930 Ancient historian, Egyptologist 11.5
Meyer, Kuno 1858-1919 Celtologist, philologist 2.0
Michel, Hermann 1877-1946 Germanist 0.2
Miethe, Adolf 1862-1927 Photochemist, physicist 0.5
Möglich, Friedrich 1902-1957 Physicist 0.2
Mommsen, Theodor 1817-1903 Historian, scholar of antiquity 3.5
Mordtmann, Johannes Heinrich 1852-1932 Orientalist, diplomat 0.1
Müller, Reimar 1932-2020 Classical philologist 1.2
Müller-Hill, Benno 1933-2018 Biochemist, geneticist, science historian 32.0
Müller-Mertens, Eckhard
partly private papers and partly private deposit
1923-2015 Historian 14.5
Münch, Wilhelm 1843-1912 Pedagogue 0.3
Münch, Wilhelm Hermann 1879-1969 Astrophysicist 0.4
Mulert, Hermann 1879-1950 Theologian 0.2
Nachstädt, Wilhelm 1870- ? Teacher, classical scholar 0.3
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg 1776-1831 Historian, statesman 1.8
Niebuhr, Carsten 1733-1815 Explorer 0.2
Niebuhr, Markus Carsten von 1817-1860 Statesman 0.5
Niewöhner, Heinrich 1889-1959 Germanist 1.6
Norden, Eduard 1868-1941 Classical philologist, religious historian 2.5
Opitz, Hans-Georg 1905-1941 Church historian 1.0
Ostwald, Wilhelm
thereby: Ostwald, Grete
Chemist 24.0
Papapetrou, Achilles 1907-1997 Physicist 1.2
Paur, Theodor 1815-1892 Historian, philologist, senior teacher, member of parliament 1.4
Peiper, Albrecht 1889-1968 Paediatrician 3.6
Perlbach, Max 1848-1921 Historian, librarian 0.3
Peschel, Manfred 1932-2002 Mathematician 8.0
Pflücke, Maximilian 1889-1965 Chemist, editor of "Chemisches Zentralblatt" 7.0
Pincus, Salomon 1819-1890 Physician 0.07
Pinder, Wilhelm 1878-1947 Art historian 1.4
Pischel, Richard 1849-1908 Indologist 0.2
Piur, Paul 1882-1943 Germanist, Romanist (Romance scholar) 3.1
Polak, Karl 1905-1963 Lawyer, politician 3.0
Potthast, August 1824-1898 Historian, librarian 0.3
Pringsheim, Nathanael 1823-1894 Botanist 0.04
Ramler, Karl Wilhelm 1725-1798 Poet, philosopher, translator 0.04
Rammelsberg, Karl Friedrich 1813-1899 Chemist, mineralogist 0.1
Rauh, Hans-Christoph
premature legacy
born 1939 Philosopher, editor  
Raupach, Ernst 1784-1852 Writer, dramatist, poet, librettist 0.3
Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1936-2011 Mathematician, logician 0.5
Redetzky, Hermann 1901-1978 Physician, hygienist, politician 1.0
Reich, Philipp Erasmus 1717-1787 Bookseller, publisher 0.04
Reichardt, Hans 1908-1991 Mathematician 1.8
Reifferscheid, August 1835-1887 Classical philologist 0.5
Riedel, Hans-Günter 1912-1979 Process engineer, chemist 1.4
Rienäcker, Günther 1904-1989 Chemist 4.0
Ritter, Paul
thereby: Ritter, Sigrid
Philosopher, historian
Philosopher, editor, writer
Röseberg, Ulrich 1943-1994 Philosopher and historian of science 15.0
Roethe, Gustav 1859-1926 Philologist, Germanist, literary scholar 0.4
Rohden, Paul von 1862-1939 Ancient historian,grammar school teacher 1.3
Rompe, Robert 1905-1993 Physicist 2.0
Rougemont, Fritz 1904-1941 Philologist 0.1
Ruben, Walter 1899-1982 Indologist 3.3
Ruge, Wolfgang 1917-2006 Historian 5.5
Sallet, Friedrich von 1812-1843 Writer, poet 0.6
Schack, Adolf Friedrich von 1815-1894 Poet, art and literary historian, writer, translator 0.2
Schäfer, Dietrich 1845-1929 Historian, publicist 0.1
Scheel, Heinrich 1915-1996 Historian 3.4
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von 1775-1854 Philosopher 2.3
Scherer, Wilhelm 1841-1886 Germanist 3.0
Scheunert, Arthur 1879-1957 Nutritionist, animal physiologist 2.5
Schirmer, Wolfgang 1920-2005 Chemist 0.7
Schleiermacher, Friedrich 1768-1834 Protestant theologian, philosopher, ancient philologist, publicist, pedagogue 6.4
Schlobies, Hans 1904-1950 Orientalist, teacher, interpreter 3.0
Schmidt, Adolf 1860-1944 Geophysicist 0.5
Schmidt, Erhard 1876-1959 Mathematician 0.15
Schmidt, Erich 1853-1913 Germanist, literary historian 0.02
Schmidt, Johannes 1843-1901 Linguist 0.7
Schmidt, Julius 1825-1884 Astronomer, geologist, geophysicist 1.6
Schmidt, Walter
premature legacy
born 1930 Historian 19.9
Schmitz, Ernst 1928-2021 Chemist 0.5
Schottky, Friedrich 1851-1935 Mathematician 0.3
Schrader, Eberhard 1836-1908 Protestant theologian, orientalist, Assyrologist 0.2
Schröder, Edward 1858-1942 Medievalist, Germanist 0.03
Schröder, Kurt 1909-1978 Mathematician 3.2
Schröter, Karl 1905-1977 Mathematician 1.0
Schüller, Arno 1908-1963 Geologist, mineralogist 1.2
Schultz, Wolfgang 1881-1936 Philosopher, writer 5.8
Schwarz, Hermann Amandus 1843-1921 Mathematician 4.2
Seeber, Gustav 1933-1992 Historian 3.0
Selge, Kurt-Victor
premature legacy
born 1933 Protestant theologian, church historian 24.0
Sieg, Emil 1866-1951 Indologist 0.01
Siegling, Wilhelm 1880-1946 Indologist 0.2
Spamer, Adolf 1883-1953 Germanist, folklorist 4.0
Sproemberg, Heinrich 1889-1966 Historian 8.0
Stampe, Ernst 1856-1947 Legal scholar 0.04
Steenbeck, Max 1904-1981 Physicist 1.9
Steiner, Gerhard 1905-1995 Literary historian 3.6
Steiner, Helmut 1936-2009 Sociologist, science historian 23.0
Steinhaus, Wilhelm 1884-1970 Physicist 0.1
Steinitz, Wolfgang 1905-1967 Linguist, folklorist, Finno-Ugrist 14.0
Stern, Leo (actually: Stern, Jonas Leib) 1901-1982 Historian 0.6
Sthamer, Eduard 1883-1938 Historian 0.64
Stille, Hans 1876-1966 Geologist 0.08
Stoeckel, Walter 1871-1961 Gynaecologist 0,03
Strauss, Martin 1907-1978 Physicist 1.2
Strnad, Ernst
premature legacy
born 1928 Historian, Etruscologist 0.02
Stroux, Johannes 1886-1954 Classical philologist, ancient historian 4.3
Stubbe, Hans 1902-1989 Agricultural economist, geneticist, crop plants researcher 6.0
Sundermann, Werner 1935-2012 Iranian studies scholar 7.0
Thiele, Gerhard 1907- ? Philologist 0.5
Thiele, Helmut 1926-2003 Mathematician 10.0
Thiesen, Max Ferdinand 1849-1936 Physicist 0.6
Thiessen, Karsten
digital premature legacy
born 1936 Chemist  
Thiessen, Klaus
premature legacy
born 1927 Physicist 3.7
Thiessen, Peter Adolf 1899-1990 Chemist 0.06
Thilo, Erich 1898-1977 Chemist 9.0
Thinius, Kurt 1903-1994 Chemist 0.9
Tralles, Johann Georg 1763-1822 Mathematician, physicist 1.8
Treder, Hans-Jürgen 1928-2006 Physicist 2.4
Treu, Kurt
thereby: Treu, Ursula
Classical philologist, papyrologist
Classical philologist, historian, translator
Troschel, Franz Hermann 1810-1882 Zoologist 0.8
Unverzagt, Wilhelm 1892-1971 Prehistorian, archaeologist 0.01
Vasmer, Max 1886-1962 Slavist 5.0
Vely, Emma (actually: Simon, Emma;
née Couvely)
1848-1934 Writer, journalist 0.3
Virchow, Rudolf 1821-1902 Physician, pathologist, anthropologist, prehistorian, politician 11.6
Vogt, Oskar
and Vogt, Cécile
only xerocopies
Voigt, Max 1883-1921 Germanist 0.15
Volmer, Max 1885-1965 Chemist, physical chemist 0.03
Wagemann, Hans-Günther 1935-2014 Physicist 5.0
Wagner, Karl Willy 1883-1953 Telecommunications engineer 2.0
Warburg, Otto 1883-1970 Biochemist, physician, physiologist 3.6
Wattenbach, Wilhelm 1819-1897 Historian, paleographer, archivist 0.01
Weinhold, Karl
(see autograph collection Weinhold)
1823-1901 Philologe, Germanist, Mediävist 0.5
Weißmantel, Christian 1931-1987 Physicist 1.0
Weizsäcker, Hugo
(see NL Mulert)
Welskopf-Henrich, Liselotte (née Henrich, Elisabeth Charlotte) 1901-1979 Writer, ancient historian 6.0
Wenck, Karl Robert 1854-1927 Historian 0.4
Wenzel, Georg 1928-2019 Literary scholar 0.3
Wilcken, Ulrich 1862-1944 Historian, papyrologist 0.75
Wildenbruch, Ernst von 1845-1909 Writer, dramatist, diplomat, lawyer 1.6
Winkler, Hans 1877-1945 Botanist 0.4
Winter, Eduard 1896-1982 Historian 47.5
Winterfeld, Paul von 1872-1905 Philologist, Germanist 0.2
Witt, Horst Tobias 1922-2007 Physicist, biophysicist 5.0
Wolf, Leopold 1896-1974 Chemist 1.5
Wundtke, Max Alfred Ferdinand 1863-1908 Writer, teacher 1.0
Wuttke, Heinrich
family estate 
1818-1876 Historian 0.2
Zeller, Eduard 1814-1908 Protestant theologian, philosopher 1.6
Zetkin, Maxim 1883-1965 Surgeon, politician 2.4
Zucker, Friedrich 1881-1973 Classical philologist, papyrologist, Egyptologist 2.1

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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